Wednesday 28 April 2010

Healthy house inspection..

It is always a lot of fun whenever Ariq's classmates come to visit our home..

Today, the class is here again with the teachers on their science period, to do an 'inspection' of a healthy house.. ;-)

Well, gladly the visit was in the morning, when the house was in its best appearance, haha.. Plus, the kids much prefered to run around the backyard.. so, the condition of the inside was very well preserved until the end of the visit.. :-)
When everyone had completed their worksheet, noting their observation of the requirements of a healthy house, then it was morning snack time.. 

I thought I did better than the last time in serving the snack -during the last visit, I ran out of food much too soon-.. It turned out that although I did slightly better this time, but still.. I should have put more of the macaroni and cheese, because the kids came back for 2nd and 3rd servings!! WOW! Everything, -cartoon milk, macaroni and cheese, sandwiches and waffers- were gone by the end of the visit, which made me a very happy host.. :-)

The thing that I noted the most was the way the kids behaved.. It was only one year since the last visit, but they have grown so much in terms of manner.. the way they asked about things they needed to find out about, the way they take turns in taking their food, communicating with each other, and mostly.. how they only tiptoed and had a peek when checking the bedrooms.. (last year, they ended up jumping up and down the bed!), hahaha... :-D

It is amazing watching and observing how children grow.. :-)  This is really a great day.. :-)


  1. Wah...seru banget nih..pasti heboh deh rumah..hoho.
    Apa aja yang dinilai mbak? hihi, kepengen ikutan meng-inspeksi :P :P

  2. wow..ada program ini?...kelas Irfan kok belum ya Indri?...aku harus mulai bersih2 nih...hi3x

  3. @Sinta: Tiap anak pegang satu 'worksheet', mereka harus mengobservasi, ada atau tidak ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, ruang makan, kamar mandi, dapur, halaman dan gudang.. Setelah itu harus memberi komentar/penilaian tentang kondisi tiap ruang itu.. apakah bersih/rapi, kotor/berantakan, kurang rapi, dll.. hehe..

    @Mba Ami: Wah, aku juga kaget kok, Mba.. tapi, gak tau juga mau siap2 gimana, jadi yaa.. disapu dan dipel seperti biasa aja.. hihihi... Aku juga gak tau Mba, Sasando planningnya gimana.. hehehe.. ;-)


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